(TacticalNews.com) – As preppers, we work hard to gather the supplies we believe we may need in an emergency or a full-blown SHTF situation. Unfortunately, certain critters may see these stockpiles as an opportunity to thrive. Considering how much time, effort and money is invested in these emergency supplies, keeping pests out of them is a top priority.
Thankfully, there are a number of ways to accomplish that goal. Here’s one:
If you’re not the crafty or do-it-yourself type, you can elect to use store-bought traps or poison. It may seem cruel to some people, but the truth is these pests can cause serious problems if left unchecked, such as:
- Property damage
- Food waste
- Disease
- Loss of product
- Food contamination
The first step to avoiding rat or mouse problems is prevention: Fill in cracks or gaps rodents could be using to gain entrance to your home and keep a tidy property, inside and out. Investing in a house cat is another way to reduce rodent populations. They aren’t called mousers for nothing.
If you already have rodents, be sure to act as soon as possible so the problem doesn’t get worse. Set traps outside and inside your home or call the professionals (not really an option post-SHTF). Of course, you could always add some cats to your household. After all, they are natural predators of these pests.
After SHTF, pests won’t be the only potential invaders you’ll want to keep from looting your supplies. Be sure to check out these SHTF perimeter alarms to better help you defend your property.
Have you ever had a rodent problem at home? If so, how did you handle it? Reply to your email and let us know, we would love to hear from you.
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