Top 5 Skills Every Prepper Should Learn

Top 5 Skills Every Prepper Should Learn

( – Whether you’re a rookie or hardened veteran at prepping, there are likely hundreds, if not thousands, of additional skills that can help you survive. Not all of them are necessary for your survival, so don’t overwhelm yourself, but we do encourage you to learn these five at the very least.

Less Is More

This skill can be a little harder for some people than it is for others. Essentially, all you’re doing is cutting away anything that’s unnecessary for your survival and learning to live on less. A difficult aspect of this is to live as debt-free as possible, especially in today’s world.

Focus on your goals as a prepper. If you’re looking to become self-reliant, you need to understand your limitations. Finally, think about how you can make your life simpler. Materialistic items don’t do much good after SHTF, though some may bring you comfort or joy.

Growing Food

As a prepper, one of the most essential skills you can learn is how to garden and grow your own food. You can technically grow your own meat, as well, if you have the right skills. You’re probably wondering how you can garden or grow food if you don’t have a lot of space. Well, this is where simple living and getting rid of any non-essential items helps free up some space.

Even with just a square foot of garden space, the utilization of vertical gardening can allow you to grow a decent amount of food. Container gardening is also a viable option. Of course, if you live in an apartment, raising cattle (or even ducks and chickens) may not be an option.

Food Preservation

In addition to growing your own food, it helps to know how to preserve that which you successfully grow. You don’t want all your hard work and effort to go to waste by having to throw food away. There are a few ways you can preserve food, such as using salt or even smoking it. Some other ways include:

  • Dehydration is popular among preppers due to the variety of foods available and the ease of packing and storing. The food also weighs much less, making it easier to carry.
  • Canning is a good way to preserve fruits and some vegetables, but it can take up a lot of room, and jars and cans can be difficult to transport.
  • Fermentation, which uses bacteria and other cultures to preserve food, may also add beneficial probiotic properties.

Learn New Cooking Skills

You can survive off easy-to-make processed foods. Unfortunately, these foods won’t be around forever, and eventually you’ll have to put real, home-cooked meals together. It’s also possible you may get tired of eating the same few foods, which could eventually drive you mad. Learn how to cook the vegetables in your garden and gain the skills needed to bake your own bread. After all, everyone loves bread.

Last but Not Least

The last skill to make this list is learning to have a “make-do attitude.” While going to the store and getting exactly what you need to make a meal is wonderful, it can also be expensive. Want to know what’s not expensive? Having the creativity, ingenuity and know-how to fix something delicious with what you have.

Everything you have needs at least one use, if not multiple. You can use it, wear it out, make do or throw it away. People in poor countries and communities make do with what they have. Take plastic bottles for instance; those pieces of trash can have numerous uses while you’re trying to survive.

Do you have any experience using the skills listed above? Do you have any stories you would like to share about them? Reply to your email and let us know, we would love to hear from you!

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