Survival Scenarios

The Best Places to Survive the End of the World According to Science

The Best Places to Survive the End of the World According to Science

( - The end of the world as we know it (TEOTWAWKI) isn’t a question of if, but when it’s going to occur. Society...
Where to Store Medicine to Keep it Safe

Where to Store Medicine to Keep it Safe

( - Most of us have taken medications at some point in our lives, from prescriptions to over-the-counter pain relievers. In fact, right now...
Prepper Fatigue — It's a Real Issue!

Prepper Fatigue — It’s a Real Issue!

( - Prepper fatigue may seem like some made-up condition, but it’s real, and it happens to more than just preppers. Thankfully, the issue...
Can You Survive an EMP?

How Will You Communicate After an EMP?

( - It’s hard to think of anything that could destroy our society as quickly and completely as an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) attack. A...
Stay Cool When Wildfires Threaten

Stay Cool When Wildfires Threaten

Unlike many other natural disasters, there isn’t always any sort of warning when a wildfire hits. That’s why it’s always best to be prepared...
Driver Passes Out, You’re the Passenger --- Ensure Your Safety

Driver Passes Out, You’re the Passenger — Ensure Your Safety

( - Imagine going for a ride in a vehicle, and suddenly the driver passes out. What do you do? How do you react?...
Hypothermia — How to Avoid It and Why

Hypothermia — How to Avoid It and Why

( - Most of us have heard about hypothermia. We understand it’s dangerous, however, we tend to associate hypothermia with extremely cold conditions. But...
Which to Raise… The Duck or the Chicken

Which to Raise… The Duck or the Chicken

( - So you’ve found your homestead. Garden is planted, the root cellar is prepared for harvest, and now you can’t decide which to...
Hidden Dangers of Lawn Care

Hidden Dangers of Lawn Care

( - There’s no question that Americans adore their lawns. In fact, grass would be the largest crop in the US if lawns were...

When is it Time to BUG OUT?

( - The concept of bugging out is debated endlessly by survivalists, with arguments both for and against the idea. For many, the home-field...

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