Sling Set Up for Optimal Use

Sling Set Up for Optimal Use

( – Having a wealth of tactical knowledge is only half the battle  — training to use it properly is essential. Having the right equipment and knowing how to implement it is key to survival in an emergency. John Lovell, from Warrior Poet Society, explains how this applies to rifle slings in this video:

Believe it or not, having a good sling setup can potentially give you the edge you need to win in a fight. As John demonstrates, having your sling in the correct configuration makes it easier to draw and aim your weapon. That can be the difference between life and death.

John also mentions how having a pull tab for your strap makes it faster and easier to adjust to the length you need. When you’re working, you should have the sling pretty tight so it keeps the rifle close to your body. But you can use the pull tab to quickly adjust the length if you need to make it more comfortable to aim.

The mounting of the sling makes a big difference as well. You don’t want anything wrapped around or connected to the butt of the stock as it can cause variation in your aim. Plus, a strap or buckle against your shoulder can be extremely uncomfortable, especially when firing.

Slings are supposed to make carrying a rifle easier, but they defeat the purpose if you end up having to fight with them the whole time. Whether you’re military or just bought your first gun, it’s important to learn how to use them right for your individual needs. Always keep comfort and functionality in mind and find that perfect balance.

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